ADCmon Install Guide ==================== 1 Introduction 2 Standard localtions of the RPM package 3 The installation procedure step 1 3.1 nrpm installation 3.2 Choosig the configuration file strategy 3.3 Distribute configuration files 3.4 Configure the cron mechanism 4 The installation procedure step 2 4.1 Generate normalized data 4.2 Run action module 4.3 Configure cron for action module 4.4 Adjust action module 1 Introduction ================ The ADCmon software could be devided into two groups. One ensure the collection of data, whereas the other act on the collected data. For the installation the first group have to be installed and run for some while before the second group can be installed. Step 1: Install ADCmon Edit Configuration Run collector Run mcollector Configure cron for mcollector Step 2: (a week later) Generate normalized data using normalizer Adopt configuration for normalized data Run action module against normalized data Configure cron for action module Adjust action module 2 Standard locations of the RPM package ========================================= relocated under /nroot /bin/adcmon-viewer-0.07 /opt/adcmon-0.07 /opt/adcmon-0.07/AdcMon /opt/adcmon-0.07/AdcMon/ /opt/adcmon-0.07/AdcMon/ /opt/adcmon-0.07/AdcMon/ /opt/adcmon-0.07/bin /opt/adcmon-0.07/bin/action /opt/adcmon-0.07/bin/collector /opt/adcmon-0.07/bin/mcollector /opt/adcmon-0.07/bin/normalizer /opt/adcmon-0.07/bin/viewer /opt/adcmon-0.07/etc /opt/adcmon-0.07/etc/adcmon.conf.template /sbin/adcmon-action-0.07 /sbin/adcmon-collector-0.07 /sbin/adcmon-mcollector-0.07 The following locations should be create manually during install /apeshare/aperun/adcmon_db.conf /nroot/etc/adcmon.conf 3 The installation procedure step 1 ===================================== 3.1 nrpm installation ===================== nrpm -ivh adcmon-.noarch.rpm nrpm -ivh adcmon-default-.noarch.rpm 3.2 Choosig the configuration file strategy =========================================== You have 2 choices (a) maintain a copy of /nroot/etc/adcmon.conf.template by yourself or (b) use /nroot/etc/adcmon.conf.template by itself. (a) copy /nroot/etc/adcmon.conf.template to /nroot/etc/adcmon.conf (or any other place you like) Change it to your needs. (b) If you do not want to make this step again and again for new versions, you can adpot the adcmon.conf.template to your needs and maintain you changes in the CVS. The file is designed for multi site purpose. Of course you can leave the file in /nroot/etc/adcmon.conf.template because it will be part of next release of the rpm. You just have to change $institution = 'MOON'; to $institution = 'YouInstitution'; in /nroot/etc/adcmon.conf.template 3.3 Distribute configuration files ================================== copy /nroot/etc/adcmon_db.conf.template to /etc/adcmon_db.conf make sure that is replaced with some local or non AFS file system path, because on AFS it no save for this purpose. edit adcmon_db.conf to your needs. For Zeuthen: The cron is executed as user "aperun" The $HOME is set to "/apeshare/aperun" In this folder there is one config file adcmon_db.conf. The other configuration file is system wide under /etc/nroot/etc/adcmon.conf 3.4 Configure the cron mechanism ================================ For Zeuthen, a reference cron tab is located under /nroot/etc/crontab Edit or add a line in you crontab: # apeNEXT temperature check # */5 * * * * NROOT=/nroot /nroot/sbin/adcmon-mcollector --cfg $HOME/adcmon.conf ssh apemaster8 ssh root@apemaster8 su - aperun export EDITOR=vim crontab -e (for all apemaster) 4 The installation procedure step 2 ===================================== 4.1 Generate normalized data ============================ Generating normalized data for crate 1 is done with following command: For Zeuthen: NROOT=/nroot /nroot/opt/adcmon-0.07/bin/normalizer -c 1 -B 2007-04-16+00:00:00 -E 2007-04-16+:00:00 -n /apeshare/aperun/zeuthen_norm.dat --overwrite --debug --cfg /nroot/etc/adcmon.conf.template-0.07 -B begin -E end -c crate --overwrite overwrite the norm file --cfg points to adcmon.conf -n norm file (to be generated) This has to be done for every entity, the cation module should care of: crate, unit, board. Of course /nroot/etc/adcmon.conf.template-0.07 should be replaced with your config file. And the sampling range should be a range where the mcollector collted data. Change location for zeuthen_norm.dat in /nroot/etc/adcmon.conf 4.2 Run action module ===================== 4.3 Configure cron for action module ==================================== 4.4 Adjust action module ======================== Decrease the threshold_av and threshold_max in adcmon.conf in small steps. Example Zeuthen: From }elsif( $institution eq 'Zeuthen' ){ %analyzer = ( interval => 600, threshold_av => 1.2, threshold_max => 1.1, ); To }elsif( $institution eq 'Zeuthen' ){ %analyzer = ( interval => 600, threshold_av => 1.19, threshold_max => 1.09, ); When the action modules starts sending emails, you know you found alarm threshold. Then you should increase this value to you personally safty interval. Now you should configure or uncoment the action in adcmon.conf which will be executed.