| HPC and Data for Lattice QCD


HPC and Data for Lattice QCD


Software installation

The LDG software is packaged as RPMs which are installed using a private database using a wrapper script. It is fully independent of and does not conflict with the system RPM database. No root privileges are required to install the LDG software.

Perform the following steps to initialise the software root and to install a LCG-based Grid UserInterface (GUI):

  1. Check that you have at least 500 MBytes of disk space available in your installation directory.
  2. Download the setup script.
  3. Execute the following commands
       cd <my_install_directory>
       sh setup
       LROOT=`pwd`/lroot; export LROOT
    Or equivalently for csh or tcsh:
       cd <my_install_directory>
       sh setup
       setenv LROOT `pwd`/lroot
  4. Select the lastest software release (rel), the latest RPM release (rpmrel), and the required unix version (unix). Execute the installation commands:
       $LROOT/bin/lrpm -i gui-<rel>-<rpmrel>.<unix>.noarch.rpm
       $LROOT/bin/lrpm -i gui-default-<rel>-<rpmrel>.<unix>.noarch.rpm
       $LROOT/bin/lrpm -i env.rpm
    See here for the available RPMs.

The Grid User Interface (GUI) is available for the following unix platforms:

Unix flavour

Built on

Also tested on



Debian 5


Built for x86_64


Debian 6 (Sqeeze)


Built for x86_64


Fedora Core 3



Fedora Core 6



Scientific Linux 5.4

Scientific Linux 5.5



Suse Enterprise 9



Suse 10.0



Suse 10.3



Ubuntu 8.10



Ubuntu 9.10



Ubuntu 10.4 (LTS)


To initialise your LDG software environment you always have to execute the following commands:

   export LROOT
   . $LROOT/etc/env.sh

Or equivalently for csh or tcsh:

   setenv LROOT <my_install_directory>/lroot
   source $LROOT/etc/env.csh

Note that LROOT should not contain a terminating '/'.

Finally, complete the software installation:

   lrpm -i cert.rpm
   lrpm -i jre.rpm jre-default.rpm
   lrpm -i ltools.rpm ltools-default.rpm
   lrpm -i srmcp.rpm srmcp-default.rpm
   lrpm -i ildg-client.rpm ildg-client-default.rpm
   lrpm -i ildg-util.rpm ildg-util-default.rpm
   lrpm -i vomses.rpm
   lrpm -i ldg-sys-<rel>-<rpmrel>.<unix>.noarch.rpm
   lrpm -i ldg-sys-default-<rel>-<rpmrel>.<unix>.noarch.rpm

The software environment contains aging files (the certificate revocation list references). Make sure that you update the corresponding RPM at least once per 2 weeks:

   lrpm -U cert.rpm

Test your software installation using the following command:


Or if this does not work:

   grid-proxy-init -key ~/.globus/userkey.pem -cert ~/.globus/usercert.pem

In case you have to use VOMS proxy certificates you have to install an additional RPM:

   lrpm -i vomses.rpm

You can test generation of VOMS proxy certificates using the following commands:

   voms-proxy-init --voms ildg
   voms-proxy-info --all

Software installation on BlueGene/P

To install the LDG software on BlueGene/P proceed as described before but taking the following differences into account:
  • Make sure that environment variable TMPDIR is defined and point to writeable directory
  • Download the PPC64 setup script.
  • The really architecture independent RPMs env.rpm, cert.rpm, ltools.rpm, vomses.rpm must be installed using the option --ignorearch
  • There is no RPM provided for java. Generate a link $LROOT/lib/jre pointing to /usr/lib/jvm/java-1_5_0-ibm-1.5.0/jre

WARNING: Authentication with the MDC does not work using the IBM JDK. Therefore, uploading of configurations on BlueGene/P is not possible