| HPC and Data for Lattice QCD

Local Contacts

HPC and Data for Lattice QCD

Local Contacts

By default the local admins should be contacted via the mailing list. If necessary the contact information below may be used.

DESY (Hamburg, Germany)

Email: grid-admin#desy.de
WWW: http://grid.desy.de

DESY (Zeuthen, Germany)

Email: uco-zn#desy.de
WWW: http://dv-zeuthen.desy.de

IN2P3 (Lyon, France)

Email: dcachemaster#cc.in2p3.fr (grid storage issues)
user.support#cc.in2p3.fr (general purpose)
WWW: http://cc.in2p3.fr

JSC (Jülich, Germany)

Email: beratung.zam@fz-juelich.de
Tel.: +49 - 2461 - 616400

RUG (Groningen, Netherlands)

WWW: http://www.rug.nl/cit/hpcv/numeric/gridcomputing?lang=en