| HPC and Data for Lattice QCD


HPC and Data for Lattice QCD


Generic information


To use the realtime (and not CPU time of apemaster) for accounting and scheduling set execd_params to SHARETREE_RESERVED_USAGE, ACCT_RESERVED_USAGE (see qconf -sconf and sge_conf(5)), AND set control_slaves to FALSE and job_is_first_task to TRUE in all parallel environments.


Useful documentation The job priorities are calculated by
job_priority = weight_urgency        * normalized_urgency_value +
               weight_ticket         * normalized_ticket_value  +
               weight_POSIX_priority * normalized_POSIX_priority_value
As can be seen from our scheduler configuration (qconf -ssconf), only ticket priority is used (weight_priority seems to be the weight_POSIX_priority, but it is not mentioned at all in sched_conf(5)). halftime and compensation_factor are the important parameters for this scheduling. From the sched_conf(5):
       When executing under a share based policy, the scheduler  "ages"  (i.e.
       decreases)  usage to implement a sliding window for achieving the share
       entitlements as defined by the share tree.  The  halftime  defines  the
       time interval in which accumulated usage will have been decayed to half
       its original  value.  Valid  values  are  specified  of  type  time  as
       specified in queue_conf(5).
       Determines  how fast Grid Engine should compensate for past usage below
       of above the share entitlement defined in the share  tree.  Recommended
       values are between 2 and 10, where 10 means faster compensation.


Handling projects in GRD

* Adding a new project
  - For each project a GRD user access list (ACL) has to be defined:
	qconf -au user1[,user2,...] acl_name
    (Note: acl_name should be equal to project name)
  - Add project using
	qconf -aprj
    and define name and acl (user access list defined before).
  - To enforce definition of a project for each job, the list of projects
    has to appear in the board queue configuration. In order to avoid
    modification of all board queues this is only done for board zero of
    each unit, i.e. queues matching b??0.

* Other useful commands:
  - Show list of access lists:		qconf -sul
  - Show user access list:		qconf -su acl_name
  - Modify access list:			qconf -mu acl_name
  - Add user to access list:		qconf -au user1[,user2,...] acl_name
  - Delete user from access list:	qconf -du user1[,user2,...] acl_name
  - Show list of projects:		qconf -sprjl
  - Modify project:			qconf -mprj prj_name
  - Delete project:			qconf -dprj prj_name
* Hints:
  Users do not have to define a project for every qsub (or in every job
  script). They simply have to generate a file $HOME/.grd_request or
  ./grd_request (in the submit directory) and add the line '-P prj_name'.