| HPC and Data for Lattice QCD


HPC and Data for Lattice QCD



The QPACE system software and system driver is packaged as RPMs which are installed using a private database via a wrapper script. It is fully independent of and does not conflict with the system RPM database. No root privileges are required for installation.

See here for list of available RPMs.

Perform the following steps to bootstrap:

  1. Check that you have at least 200 MBytes of disk space available in your installation directory.
  2. Download the setup script.
  3. Execute the following commands
       cd <my_install_directory>
       sh setup
       QROOT=`pwd`/qroot; export QROOT


The following environment variables change the behaviour of qrpm:
  • DOWNLOAD_HOST: change download host (otherwise www-zeuthen.desy.de is used)
  • DOWNLOAD_IP: change IP of download host (otherwise command host is used to resolve DOWNLOAD_HOST)
  • DOWNLOAD_PORT: set download port (not defined by default)

RPM deployment

To deploy a new RPM proceed as follows
  • Create new RPM
  • Commit RPM to svn://.../trunk/rpm/repository
  • Copy in web repository should become available within 15 minutes