HPC and Data for Lattice QCD
Changes to the host and rack database
The configuration for both APEmille and apeNEXT 'master' and 'unit' PCs is stored in hostsystem.xml under /afs/ install.apeconf
will update data in /afs/, from where then the masters can update all information that are needed for booting the unit-pcs (apehost.conf, hosts, dhcpd.conf, pxe configuration,, ...) via
amsync -a apeboot.conf -n
(-n is the dryrun mode, type -h for all comandline options). The /etc/hosts file on the apemasters is under control of the cenral IT staff. Our addon for the private network has to be copied to /afs/ and then gets automatically included. Currently it is only writable by people in group:ape_adm. Although the xml file gives many possibilities how to configure the network, we should try to stick to the following rules (at least for apenext).
- use apemaster{n} for external network (141...)
- master{n}[extension] for internal network
- 192.168.0.{200+n} administrative network (for example booting, etc)
- 192.168.{i}.{200+n}, where i is either 1,2 or 3 (see below)
- use an{k}{j} as a position name, reflecting which rack it is serving
- host{n}[extension] is fixed to a certain hardware (not the position)
- 192.168.0.{n} extension '-a' for extra NIC (usually eth0) via which the host gets booted
- 192.168.1.{n} first gigbit onboard (usually eth1)
- 192.168.2.{n} second gigbit onboard (usually eth2)
- 192.168.3.{n} bonding of onboard gigbit (usually bond0)
<apeConfiguration> <rackConfiguration> <rack> <type>apeNEXT</type> <number>3</number> <serverName>master5</serverName> <bootServerName>master4</bootServerName> <bootFile>pxelinux.0</bootFile> <nfsRoot>/apeboot/sl3.0.5_ro_v0.6.3</nfsRoot> <hostList> <host> <name>host101</name> <positionName>an30</positionName> </host> </hostList> </rack> </rackConfiguration> <hostConfiguration> <host> <name>host101</name> <interfaceList> <elem> <nameExtension>-a</nameExtension> <interface>eth0</interface> <MAC>00:10:F3:08:F0:D7</MAC> <IP></IP> <netboot>yes</netboot> </elem> <elem> <nameExtension>-g1</nameExtension> <interface>eth1</interface> <MAC>00:10:F3:08:F0:D5</MAC> <IP></IP> </elem> <elem> <nameExtension>-g2</nameExtension> <interface>eth2</interface> <MAC>00:10:F3:08:F0:D6</MAC> <IP></IP> </elem> <elem> <enable>yes</enable> <interface>bond0</interface> <IP></IP> <netboot>yes</netboot> <MACofInterface>eth1</MACofInterface> </elem> </interfaceList> </host> </hostConfiguration> </apeConfiguration>