| HPC and Data for Lattice QCD


HPC and Data for Lattice QCD


HOWTO blade

Taken from old HOWTO blade. This page might be outdated.
Short description on how to make blade servers use a readonly nfs root filesystem. nfsroot is in apemaster{n}:/apeboot/{distribution} currently distribution="sl3.0.5_ro" In an early stage rc.sysconfig calls rc.ape to set up a ram filesystem where files are copied which hold hostspecific configurations and for write-needing data (like /var/run ...) hostname and ips for server and the host itself are taken from /proc/cmdline and by 'grep'-ping through the file /etc/apehost.conf (created autmatically from hostsystem.xml) kernel configuration can be found in /afs/ifh.de/group/ape/anext/unitkernels specific changes that have been made for sl3.0.5:
  • added /apeboot/template directory
  • added /ram directory
  • source rc.ape in rc.sysconfig
  • commented out remount / rw in rc.sysinit
  • make many files in /etc a symlink to /ram/etc (which are the files copied in rc.ape from template)
  • same for some /var entries
  • removed in /etc/rc3.d/: xinetd, gpm
  • added in /etc/rc3.d/: S55sshd, S70ntpd, S99local
  • made /dev/log a symlink to /ram/dev/log, add '-p /ram/dev/log' to 'SYSLOGD_OPTIONS' in /etc/sysconfig/syslog
  • changed /etc/ntp.conf: 'driftfile /ram/var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift' and added servers
  • made /etc/mtab a symlink to /proc/mounts
  • authorized_keys2 from apemaster copied to /root/.ssh/