HPC and Data for Lattice QCD
HOWTO blade
Taken from old HOWTO blade. This page might be outdated.Short description on how to make blade servers use a readonly nfs root filesystem. nfsroot is in apemaster{n}:/apeboot/{distribution} currently distribution="sl3.0.5_ro" In an early stage rc.sysconfig calls rc.ape to set up a ram filesystem where files are copied which hold hostspecific configurations and for write-needing data (like /var/run ...) hostname and ips for server and the host itself are taken from /proc/cmdline and by 'grep'-ping through the file /etc/apehost.conf (created autmatically from hostsystem.xml) kernel configuration can be found in /afs/ specific changes that have been made for sl3.0.5:
- added /apeboot/template directory
- added /ram directory
- source rc.ape in rc.sysconfig
- commented out remount / rw in rc.sysinit
- make many files in /etc a symlink to /ram/etc (which are the files copied in rc.ape from template)
- same for some /var entries
- removed in /etc/rc3.d/: xinetd, gpm
- added in /etc/rc3.d/: S55sshd, S70ntpd, S99local
- made /dev/log a symlink to /ram/dev/log, add '-p /ram/dev/log' to 'SYSLOGD_OPTIONS' in /etc/sysconfig/syslog
- changed /etc/ntp.conf: 'driftfile /ram/var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift' and added servers
- made /etc/mtab a symlink to /proc/mounts
- authorized_keys2 from apemaster copied to /root/.ssh/