HPC and Data for Lattice QCD
0. A partition is a set of nodes
1. A clock-partition is a set of boards sharing all the same clock
provided by one HIB.
2. Each clock-partition has at least one root-HIB providing the clock
3. The setting of the HIB's clock register (0x80C have) to be done
per clock-partition configurations.
For example, if I have the following clock-partition machines:
- 2 crates (CRATE0 and CRATE1)
- 1 rack (RACK1)
The administrator have to configure the machines as follow:
- dnosem -crate 0 -setclock VALUE
- dnosem -crate 1 -setclock VALUE
- dnosem -rack 0 -setclock VALUE
4. Each root-HIB providing the clock must have defined the value of
register 0x80C in the configuration file.
Implementation of option "-setclock":
1. Using option "-setclock" set the value of all registers of all
HIBs (root-HIB and board-HIB) included in the partition
allocated. According to assumption (3) the partition should be a
2. If one clock-partition containes more the one root-HIB nose assume that
providing the clock is the HIB0 (by definition the HIB attached to ROOT0)
if the value of clock-register is present in the configuration file.
Otherwise it assume that should be HIB1 or HIB2 or ...