| HPC and Data for Lattice QCD

Global signals

Global signals configuration

HPC and Data for Lattice QCD

Global signals configuration

Configuration tool is $QROOT/sbin/muxup.

The configuration of the global signals is split into two steps. First, the machine is pre-partioned by setting the top level registers. BEWARE: This step may affect any partition in use and therefore must only be performed when installation is idle. Further sub-partitioning is done during a second step which affects only the involved partitions.

Configuration procedure:

  • Top level (re-)configuration:
    muxup --admin
    BEWARE: perform operation only when machine is idle
  • Sub-partitioning:
    muxup --queue=<queuename>

The partition list is defined by the files $QROOT/etc/ju-part.xml and $QROOT/etc/wu-part.xml.