| HPC and Data for Lattice QCD


HPC and Data for Lattice QCD


Nagios Interface

Nagios is running on the master servers of both installations. You need to have the access coordinates and a tunnel to connect to the web interface. Here the recipe to setup tunnel:

  • Assume you have defined a tunnel to the master system in $HOME/.ssh/config, e.g.
    Host qmasterW
    User user
    Hostname qmasterW
    ProxyCommand ssh user@qlogin.qpace.uni-wuppertal.de nc %h 22
  • Now start ssh connection:
    ssh qmasterW -L 20000:localhost:80
  • Finally, connect to web interface:
    firefox http://localhost:20000/nagios/

You may use another local port.

Important: The last slash in the NAGIOS URL is mandatory; if you do not specify it, the page will not be displayed.